Research and Publications

A Simplified Method for the Correction of Complex Deformities.” Orbay, J., Frankel, V.H.: The Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases. 1990.

Experimental Canine Limb Lengthening: a Biomechanical Morphological and Histological Study.”  Orbay, J., Frankel, V.H.: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 1990.

Peripheral Nerve Lengthening: A Feasibility Study Performed in Cats.”  Orbay, J.: The Bulletin of the Hospital for Joint Diseases. 1991.

The Effect of Pin Configuration on the Stability of the Ilizarov External Fixation.” Orbay, J., Frankel, V.H.: Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 1992.

Distal Interphalangeal Joint to Proximal Interphalangeal Joint Homodigital Island Transfer.” Orbay, J., Badia, A., Khouri, R., Young-Jin, S., Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1997; 4(1):12-16.

The Treatment of Unstable Distal Radius Fractures with Volar Fixation.” Orbay, J. Hand Surgery 2000; 5(2):103-112.

Arthroscopic Resection of Dorsal Wrist Ganglions.” Luchetti, R., Badia, A., Alfarano M.,  Orbay, J., Indriago, I.,  Mustapha, B.,  J Hand Surg Br. 2000 Feb:25(1):38-40.

Corrective Osteotomy of Dorsally Malunited Fractures of the Distal Radius via a Volar approach,” “Treatment of Early Joint Arthritis with Arthroscopic debridement and closing Wedge Osteotomy.” J. Orbay, A. Badia, I. Indriago, R. Khouri, Journal of Venezuelan Society for Surgery of the Hand: Rev Venez Cir Mano, November 2001;3(2).

The Extended Flexor Carpi Radialis Approach:  A New Perspective for the Distal Radius Fracture.” Orbay, J., Badia, A., Indriago, I., Infante, A., Khouri, R., González, E., Fernández, D.  Techniques in Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery 2001;5(4):204-211.

Volar Fixation for Dorsally Displaced Fractures of the Distal Radius: A Preliminary Report.”  Orbay, J., Fernandez, Diego L. Journal of Hand Surgery 2002;27A:205-215.

Percutaneous Fixation of Metacarpal Fractures.” J. Orbay, I. Indriago, E. Gonzalez-Hernandez, A.  Badia, R. Khouri, Operative Techniques in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2003;9(4):138-142.

Tratamiento Artroscopico de las Fracturas de la extremidad Distal del Radio.” A. Badia, S.L. Rojas, J.A. Oteo, I. Indriago, J.L. Orbay. JANO Traumatología y Humanidades, Septiembre-Octubre 2003;4(2):5-10.

Volar osteosynthesis of distal fractures of the radius.” J. Orbay, I. Indriago, A. Badia, R.K. Khouri, L. Osorio, A. Núñez, E. Gonzalez-Hernandez. Revista de Ortopedia y Traumatología.  2003;47(Supl. 1):42-47.

Corrective Osteotomy of Dorsally Mal-United Fractures of the Distal Radius Via the Extended FCR Approach.” J.L. Orbay, I. Indriago, A. Badia, R.K. Khouri,, E. Gonzalez-Hernandez, D.L. Fernandez. J Hand Surg (Br) 2003;28B(Supplement 1):2-3.

El Semilunar Flotante: Tratamiento artroscopico de desgarros simultáneos completos de los ligamentos escafolunar y lunopiramidal.” A Badia, F Riano, I. Indriago, J Orbay, E. Gonzalez-Hernandez, R Khouri. Revista Colombiana de Ortopedia y Traumatología 2004;7(2):79-84.

Volar Fixed-angle fixation of distal radius fractures: The DVR Plate.” Orbay J, Badia A, Khoury RK, Gonzalez E, Indriago I. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg Sep 2004;8(3):142-8.

Loss of fixation of the volar lunate facet fragment in fractures of the distal part of the radius.” Harness NG, Jupiter JB, Orbay JL, Raskin KB, Fernandez DL. J Bone Joint Surg AmSept 2004;86-A(9):1900-8.

Osteoartritis de la articulación carpo metacarpiana del pulgar. Una clasificación artroscopica original y algoritmo de tratamiento.” A Badia, F. Riano, I. Indriago, J. Orbay, E. Gonzalez-Hernandez, R Khouri. Revista Colombiana de Ortopedia y Traumatología 2005;19(2):54-60.

Evaluación Artroscopica y Tratamiento de la Osteoartritis Estado II en la Articulación Carpo metacarpiana del Pulgar.” A. Badia, F. Riano, I. Indriago, J.L. Orbay, R.K. Khouri, E. Gonzalez-Hernandez. Rev. Venez Cir Mano 2005;7(1):17-22.

Volar Plate Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures.” Orbay JL. The Hand Clinics 2005;21:347-354.

Fixed angle fixation of distal radius fractures through a minimally invasive approach.” Orbay JL, Touhami A, Orbay C. Tech Hand Up Extrem SurgSept 2005;9(3):142-8.

Current Concepts in Volar Fixed-angled Fixation of Unstable Distal Radius.” Jorge L. Orbay, M.D., Amel Touhami, M.D.  Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research April 2006;445:58-67.

The treatment of unstable metacarpal and phalangeal shaft fractures with flexible nonlocking and locking intramedullary nails.” Orbay JL, Touhami A. Hand Clin. August 2006;22(3):279-86.

Aplicación quirúrgica de la anatomía de la extremidad distal del radio: nuevos conceptos.” Indriago IR, Jiménez A, Orbay JL. Patología del Aparato Locomotor 2007;5(2):7-16.

The Glabrous palmar flap: the new free or reversed pedicled palmar fasciocutaneous flap for volar hand reconstruction.” Orbay JL, Rosen JG, Khouri RK, Indriago I. Tech Hand Up Extrem Surg Sep 2009;13(3):145-50.

Ulnar head and styloid fractures.” Orbay JL. In Slutsky DJ, ed. Principles and practice of wrist surgery. Philadelphia: Saunders. 2010:198-204.

The extended flexor carpi radialis approach for partially healed malaligned fractures of the distal radius.” Wiffels, MM, Orbay JL, Indriago I, Ring D. Injury July 2012;43(7):1204-8.

Locked Intramedullary Total Wrist Arthrodesis.” Orbay JL, Feliciano E, Orbay C. J Wrist Surg 2012;1:179-184.

Wrist Injuries.” Orbay JL, Mijares MR. In Cheema TA, ed. Complex Injuries of the Wrist. New York: JP Medical Publishers. March 2014 In Press.

“The Management of Elbow Instability Using an Internal Joint Stabilizer: Preliminary Results.” Orbay JL, Mijares MR. Clin Orthop Rel Res. May 2014. 1-12.

“Coronal Shift of Distal Radius Fractures: Influence of the Distal Interosseous Membrane on Distal Radioulnar Joint Instability.” Trehan SK, Orbay JL, Wolfe SW. J Hand Surg Am. January 2015; 40: 159-162.

“The transverse force experienced by the radial head during axial loading of the forearm: A cadaveric study.” Orbay JL, Mijares MR, Berriz CG. Clin Biomech 2015. In Press

“Prevent Collapse and Salvage Failures of the Volar Rim of the Distal Radius.” Orbay JL, Rubio F, Vernon L. J Wrist Surg. February 2016; 5(1): 17-21.

“Volar Plating as a Treatment for Distal Radius Fractures.” Orbay JL, Shah A, White BD, Patel A, Vernon, L. PRS Global Open, 2017.

“The EFCR Approach and the Radial Septum- Understanding the Anatomy and Improving Volar Exposure for Distal Radius Fractures: Imagine What You Could Do With an Extra Inch.” Orbay JL, Gray R, Vernon LL, Sandilands S, Martin AR, Vignolo SM. Tech Hand Surg 2016; 20: 155-160.

“Multicenter trial of an international joint stabilizer for the elbow.” Orbay JL, Ring D, Kachooei AR, Santiago-Figueroa J, Bolano L, Pirela-Cruz M, Hausman M, Papandrea R. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. January 2017; 26: 125-132.

“Understanding Radiocarpal Rotation Through In Vivo Pronation and Supination of the Hand: A Single Case Study.” Orbay JL, Romero JM, Wostbrock N, Mercer DM. University of New Mexico Ortho Res J. 2017; 6: 106-109.

“Versatility of the Posterior Interosseous Artery Flap in Outpatient Hand Surgery.” Kelly S, Pertierra G, Orbay JL, Vernon LL, and Shah A. Adv Plast Reconstr Surg. 2017; 1(6): 146-151.

“The Parallelogram Effect: The Association Between Central Band and Positive Ulnar Variance.” Orbay JL, Levaro- Pano F, Vernon LL, Cronin MH, Orbay JA, Tremols EJ. J Hand Surg. 2018 e1-e6.

“Radiographic Evaluation of the Distal Radioulnar Joint: Technique to Detect Sigmoid Notch Intra-Articular Screw Breach in Distal Radius Fractures.” Klein, JS, Mijares M, Chen D, Orbay JL, Landy DC, Owens PW. Tech Orthop 2018 1-5.



The Ilizarov Treatment for Complex Problems of the Tibia.” Presented at, American Association of Orthopaedic Surgery Meeting, February 1990.

Biomechanical Aspects of the Ilizarov.” Presented at, International Meeting on Ilizarov Techniques and International Meeting on Limb Lengthening, Santiago, Chile, November 1990.  Meeting in Pamplona, Spain, October 1990.

Ilizarov Technique.” Presented at, First Annual Guatemalan Conference, March 1990.

An Experimental Study on Canine Limb Lengthening.” Presented at, American Association Of Orthopaedic Surgery Meeting, March 1991.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Presented at, Grand Rounds Program – South Miami HospitalJanuary 1993.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Presented at, Educational In-service Staff Training – West Gables Hospital, May 1993.

Diagnosis and Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.” Presented at, Physician Education Program – Mercy Hospital, Miami, Florida, April 1993.

Advances in Orthopaedic Hand – Upper Extremity Surgery.” Presented at, International Conference Mercy Hospital, June 1993.

Intramedullary Fixation of Metacarpal Fracture.” Presented at, Florida Hand Surgery Society MeetingMarch 1997.

PIP Joint Reconstruction with Homodigital Vascularized DIP Joint Transfer.” Presented at, XXIII Argentinean Congress of the Argentinean Society of Surgery of the Hand and Reconstruction of the Upper Extremity Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 1997.

Distal Radial Fractures Treatment with Plate for Volar Approach.” Conference/Lecture, Venezuelan Society of Orthopedic and Trauma, XXXIII National Journal, September 1998.

Treatment of Unstable Dorsally Displaced Distal Fractures with Volar Plate and Peg Fixation.” Conference/Lecture,  XVII Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Ortopedia y Traumatología, XXIX Congreso de la Sociedad Peruana de Ortopedia y Traumatología, October 1998.

Treatment of Unstable Dorsally Displaced Distal Fractures with Volar Plate and Peg Fixation.” Presented at, XXIV Argentina’s Congress of Hand Surgery and Reconstruction of Upper ExtremityOctober 1998.

Free or Pedicle Palmar Flap, A New Method of Volar Hand Reconstruction.” Presented at, XXIV Argentina’s Congress of Hand Surgery and Reconstruction of Upper Extremity, October 1998.

XVIII Seminario Medico Latino Americano.” Presented at, Mercy Hospital and Miami Children’s Hospital, June 1999.

XX National Journal of S.V.C.M. and III National Journal of S.V.F.M. June 1999.

VII FESSH Congress.  Distal Radius Fractures, Plate Fixation and Tendon Disturbance: A Study Using Magnetic Resonance – Percutaneous Flexible Intramedulary Nailing of Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures.  Treatment of Unstable Dorsally Displaced Distal Radius Fractures with a Volar Plate and Subchondral Peg Fixation, June 2000.

Medical-Surgical Institute, Dr. Jiménez Rojas. Caracas, Venezuela, July 2000.

Partial Arthrodesis, Lesion Scapholunate.” Presented at, VII Venezuelan Congress of Hand Surgery, IV Venezuelan Journal Society of Hand Therapist, Maracay, Venezuela, July 2000.

IV Encuentro Colombo-Venezolano de Cirugía de la Mano. “Treatment of Unstable Dorsally Displaced Distal Radius Fractures with New Volar Plate with Subchondral Peg,” October 2000.

Treatment of Unstable Dorsally Displaced Distal Radius Fractures with New Volar Plate with Subchondral Peg.” Presented at, American Society for Peripheral Nerve, American Association for Hand Surgery and the American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, January 2001.

XV Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía de la Mano. “Tratamiento de las Fracturas Inestables del Radio Distal con la placa DVR y el Abordaje Extendido del FCR,” May 2001.

Florida Orthopaedic Society. Annual Meeting “Percutaneous Flexible Intramedulary Nailing of Metacarpal and Phalangial Fractures, May 2001.

Riordan Hand Society Meeting. “Percutaneous Flexible Intramedulary Nailing of Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures,” October 2001.

XVIII Congreso de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Ortopedia y Traumatología. VII Congreso de la Asociación Salvadoreña de Ortopedia y Traumatología, October 2001.

V Curso Internacional de Cirugía de la Mano Secretaria de Salud. Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación. Instituto de Ortopedia. November 2001.

Hawaii Medical Association. “Treatment of Wrist Injuries Advanced Surgical Techniques.” December 2001.

ASSH  Cancun, “Treatment of Unstable Dorsally Displaced Distal Radius Fractures with New Volar Plate with Subchondral Peg.”  January 2002.

Corrective Osteotomy of Dorsally Mal-United Fractures of the Distal Radius via Extended FCR Approach.” San Diego, California SICOT 2002, August 2002.

Internal Fixation for Unstable Distal Radius Fractures in Elderly Patient.” San Diego, California, SICOT, August 2002.

The Extended FCR Approach a New Perspective for the Distal Radius.” San Diego, California, SICOT, August 2002.

Volar Approach for Dorsally Unstable Fractures: Technique.” Germany, Sept. 2002

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon, Rosemont, Ill, September 2002.

IX Congreso Centro-Americano y del Caribe. VI Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Costarricense de Ortopedia y Traumatología. “Volar Approach for Dorsally Unstable Fractures: Technique.” October 2002.

The Volar Approach to the Distal Radius Fracture: Vascularized Bone Grafts for Wrist Reconstruction: Internal Fixation for Unstable Distal Radius Fractures in the Elderly Patient.” Session Paper, 57th Annual Meeting of American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Phoenix, Arizona, October 2002.

Volar Correction of Distal Radius Mal-Union Fractures.” 18th Annual Orthopaedic Trauma Association Meeting, Canada, October 2002.

Volar Approach for Dorsally Unstable Fractures: Technique.” 5th International Distal Radius Fracture Conference. San Francisco, California, October 2002.

The Volar Approach to the Distal Radius Fracture.”  Presented at, the South California Hand Club, November 2002.

The Volar Approach to the Distal Radius Fracture.”  Presented at, the Mayo Clinic, November 2002.

Locked percutaneous  intramedullary nailing of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures”, “Management of complex articular fractures of the distal radius through the volar approach”. American Association for Hand Surgery Meeting, Kauai, Hawaii, January 2003.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon, New Orleans, LA, February 2003.

American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Philadelphia, PA, March 2003.

Internal Fixations for Unstable Distal Radius fractures in the Elderly Patient.” Presented at, Florida Orthopaedic Society Annual Scientific MeetingMay 2003

Partial Arthrodesis of the Wrist, Local Flaps, Vascularized Free Flap, Plate Fixations of the Distal Radius.” Presented at, Congreso de la Asociación Mexicana de Ortopedia y Traumatología. Cancun Mexico, November 2003.

The American Fracture Association, Napa, CA, April 2003.

The Volar Marginal Fragment- The Achilles Heel of Distal Radius Fractures”, “Minimally Invasive Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures”, “Palmaris Longus to Extensor Pollicis Brevis Tenodesis:  a New Technique for Opponensplasty.”  Presented at, the American Association for Hand Surgery Annual Meeting, Palms Springs, California, January 2004.

Fixed Angle Fixation of the Distal Radius Fractures Utilizing the Volar Approach.”  Presentation including workshop at the California Orthopaedic Association, Monterey California, May 2004.

Locked Percutaneous Intramedullary Nailing of Hand Fractures,” “Volar Fixed Angle Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures,” “Minimally Invasive Fixation for Distal Radius Fractures,” “DVR plating system.”  Presented at, the Post-IFSSH Congress.  Bucharest, Romania, June 2004.

The Management of Complex Intra-articular fractures of the Distal Radius through a Volar Approach,” “Locked Percutaneous Intramedullary nailing of Hand Fractures,” (Poster Presentation:  “Minimally invasive fixation for the Distal Radius fractures”), Presented at, the 9th Congress of International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand.  Budapest, Hungary, June 2004.

South Orthopedic Society, Hilton Head, South Carolina, July 2004.

Fixed Angle fixation of Distal Radius Fracture” Lab Workshop, “Surgical Management of complex Distal Radius Fractures.” Lecture, Presented at, the 6th Annual Chicago Trauma SymposiumAugust 2004.

Volar Fixed Angle Solution”, “Intramedullary Minimally Invasive Fixation”, “Fixed Angle Fixation of Distal Radius Fractures using the Volar Approach”, “Minimally Invasive Techniques in the Distal Radius and Small bone fracture fixation.” Presented at, the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for the Hand (ASSH) New York City, September 2004.

Washington Hand Society.  October 2004.

Locked Percutaneous Intramedullary Nailing of Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures,” ”Fixed Angle Minimally Invasive Fixation for the Distal Radius Fracture.” Presented at, the Orthopedic Trauma Association (OTA) October 2004.

Management of the Complex Articular Fracture Through a Volar Approach,” ”Corrective Osteotomy of Dorsally Mal-United Fractures of the Distal Radius via the Extended FCR Approach.” Presented at, the Asian Pacific Society for the Surgery of the Hand, Japan, November 2004.

Barcelona, Spain November 2004.

Fixed Angle Fixation of the Distal Radius Fractures Utilizing the Volar Approach.”  Presented at, the American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS)Fajardo, Puerto Rico, January 2005.

The Management of Complex Articular Fractures of the Distal Radius through the FCR Approach,” Fixed Angle Fixation for the Unstable Distal Radius Fractures in the Elderly patient,” “Palmar Approach.” Presented at, the 72nd Annual Meeting American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS), Washington D.C., February 2005.

Advances in the Wrist Fracture Treatment.” Presented at, the 2nd Annual Make a Difference – Updates in Orthopaedic Surgery and Musculoskeletal Therapeutics, Marco Island, Florida, March 2005.

The Volar marginal Fragment of the Distal Radius Fracture.” Presented at, the 28th Annual Meeting South Eastern Hand Club, South Carolina, April 2005.

Title “Locking Plates,” Session “Distal Radius,” Presented at, Dry Lab on “Proximal Humerus Plate,” “Volar Distal Radius Plate,” at the 2005 Hand, Elbow, Shoulder Course – A Practical Update and Hands on Skills.  San Francisco California, May 2005.

The Management of the Intra-Articular Fractures of the Distal Radius through a Volar Approach.” Presented at, the Congress of the Federation of the European Societies for Surgery of the Hand (FESSH), Goteborg, Sweden, June 2005.

Proximal Humerus Fractures – New Fixation Strategies,” “Advanced Techniques in Proximal Humerus Fractures,” “Fixed Angle Fixation of the Distal Radius Fractures.” Presented at, the 7th Annual Chicago Trauma Symposium, Chicago, IL, August 2005.

XXIII SICOT/SIROT Triennial World Congress, Istanbul Turkey, September 2005.

Minimally Invasive Techniques for Treating Distal Radius Fractures and Metacarpal Fractures.” Presented at, the Joint Annual Meeting ASSH and ASHT, San Antonio Texas, September 2005.

Locked Percutaneous Intramedullary Nailing of Metacarpal and Phalangeal Fractures.” Presented at, the Orthopaedic Trauma Association (OTA), Ottawa Ontario, Canada, October 2005.

Comparison between the Volar Approach and the Minimally Invasive Dorsal Approach in the Management of the Extraarticular Distal Radius Fractures,” “Defending your Plate- Distal Radius Fractures.” Presented at, the 2006 American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), Tucson Arizona, January 2006.

Carpal Instabilities and Wrist Fractures- “Radius ORIF- Plates,” Common Bony and Soft Tissue Injuries and Disorders of the Hand- “Metacarpal / Phalangeal Fractures.” Presented at, the Electives in Hand Surgery Sponsored by the American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Tampa, Florida, February 2006.

Advanced Techniques in Distal Radius Fracture Fixation,” “Volar Fixed Angle Correction of Radius Malalignment.” Presented at, the 8th Annual Hand Surgery Symposium.  Philadelphia, March 2006.

American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 2006.

Distal Radius Fractures and Problem Solving in Distal Radius Fractures. Presented at, the American Association for Hand Surgery.  Rio Grande, Puerto Rico January 2007.

Contemporary Perspectives in Distal Radius Fixations.” Presented at, the 2007 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, San Diego, California, February 2007.

Internal Fixation of the Metacarpal Fractures,” “Advanced Techniques in Proximal Fixations” (Lab) Presented at, the 9th Annual Hand Surgery Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 2007.

Volar Plating for Distal Radius Fractures.” Presented at, the 2007 International Advanced Wrist Symposium Queensland, Australia, March 2007.

Distal Radius Fractures and Concomitant Ulnar Styliod Fractures.” Presented at, the 10th Triennial Congress of the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand (IFSSH), Sydney Australia, March 2007.

Role of the Volar Plates,” “What to do with the Ulnar Styloid and Ulnar Column Fractures,” “Correcting Distal Radius Malunion.” Presented at, the Annual Upper Extremity/Distal Radius Fracture Tutorial Problem Fractures of the Upper Extremity-Hand Rehabilitation Foundation, Snowmass Colorado, March 2007.

How will angel stable plates affect the treatment of the wrist fractures,” “Treatment protocol for the treatment of the wrist fractures.” Presented at, the 10th Anniversary International Trauma Symposium, Sorrento, Italy, April 2007.

Topic Discussed “Extended FCR Approach, Ulnar Column Injury, Complications of the Volar Approach.” Presented at, the San Francisco International Distal Radius Course, San Francisco, California, May 2007.

Osteotomy of the First Metacarpal with Trapezioplasty.” Presented at, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Seattle, September 2007.

Contemporary perspectives in Distal Radius Fixation Instructional Course.  Presented at, American Academy Orthopaedic Surgery, 2008.

Sliding oblique radius Osteotomy for correction of radial length and DRUJ Instability.” Presented at, 24th International Wrist Investigators’ Workshop. Chicago IL 2008.

Topic Discussed “Osteotomy of the 1st Metacarpal with trapezioplasty” Scientific Exhibit. Presented at, American Academy Orthopaedic Surgery, Las Vegas, March 2009.

Osteotomy of the 1st Metacarpal with trapezioplasty: an alternate treatment for Rhizoarthrosis.” Presented at, American Association for Hand Surgery, Boca Raton FL, January 2010.

Internal Stabilization: A new method for management of unstable elbow.” Presented at, Annual Hand Surgery Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 2010.

Injuries of the distal radio ulnar joint. When to fix the ulnar styloid,” and “Distal Radius Fracture Panel.” Presented at, the Annual Upper Extremity/Distal Radius Fracture Tutorial Problem Fractures of the Upper Extremity-Hand Rehabilitation Foundation, Snowmass Colorado, March 2010.

Internal Stabilization: A new method for management of unstable elbow.” Presented at, Florida Hand Society, Orlando FL, April 2010.

Internal Stabilization: A new method for management of unstable elbow.” Presented at, Southeastern Hand Club, Sarasota FL, April 2010.

Internal Stabilization: A new method for management of unstable elbow” and “Management of DRUJ instability.” Presented at, Florida Orthopaedic Society, Orlando, FL,  May 2010.

Endoscopic Carpal Tunnel Release: Retrospective comparison between two techniques.” Presented at, Arthroscopy Association of North America, Hollywood, FL, May 2010.

Internal Joint Stabilizer and Distal Radius Fracture Volar Approach.” Presented at, Associacion Argentina de Trauma Ortopedico, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2010.

Hinged Elbow Stabilization.” Presented at, The 7th Annual Upper Extremity Tutorial Course, Snowmass, CO, March 2011.

Capitellar Preservation through Radial Head Design. Presented at, The Southeastern Hand Club, Charleston, SC, April 2011.

PIP Dislocation-Internal Joint Stabilizer and “Preventing Complications: DVR Plate.” Presented at, Florida Orthopaedic Society, Orlando, FL, May 2011.

“The Use of an Internal Joint Stabilizer for the Elbow and  “The Acute Distal Radius Fracture: State of the Art.” Presented at, The Foundation for Orthopaedic Research and Education: Current Solutions in Orthopaedic Trauma, Boca Raton, FL, November 2011.

IJS: Internal Joint Stabilizer” and “Elbow Complex Cases Open Forum Session.” Presented at, American Association for Hand Surgery, January 2012.

Metacarpal Fracture: Every Which Way and Panel 4: There is more to distal radius fractures than a volar plate.” Presented at, The 14th Annual Hand Surgery Philadelphia Symposium, March 2012.

“Elbow Fracture/Dislocation Group Discussion and “Distal Radius Fracture Group Discussion.” Presented at, The 8th Annual Upper Extremity Tutorial Course, Snowmass, CO, March 2012.

Insights of the IOM ligament and the Radial Head.” Presented at, The Florida Hand Society, Orlando, FL, March 2012.

“Intramedullary Total Wrist Arthrodesis. Presented at, The 12th Annual New Technology in Upper Extremity Surgery: The Cutting Edge with Advancing Translational Research, Cleveland, OH, June 2012.

Flexor Tendon Ruptures and Volar Plates.” Presented at, The 6th Tri-State Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, June 2012.

Total Wrist Arthrodesis.” Presented at, American Society for Surgery of the Hand, Chicago, IL, September 2012.

“Advancements in Volar Plating of the Distal Radius.” Presented at, The American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics, Colorado Springs, CO, October 2012.

“The Volar Columnar Fixation.” Presented at, The 9th Annual New Technology in Upper Extremity Tutorial Course, Snowmass, CO, February 2013.

Volar Plating of Distal Radius Fractures.” Presented at, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, Chicago, IL, March 2013.

The Fight for the Olympics Panel on Distal Radius Fractures”, “DeQuervain’s and Friends: Wrist Tendinopathies Panel”, and Intramedullary Fusion.” Presented at, The 15th Annual Philadelphia Hand Surgery Symposium: Avengers of the Wrist, Philedelphia, PA, April, 2013.

“Fracture Dislocation of the elbow: Diagnostic and Treatment Options”, “Radial Head Implant Indications and New Concepts”, “Distal Radius Fractures”, and “My Hand Hurts and My Fingers Fall Asleep: Is it Always Carpal Tunnel”. Presented at Cirugía de Mano, Costa Rica, April 2013.

Radial Head Arthroplasty.” Presented at, The American Osteopathic Academy of Orthopedics, Miami Beach, FL, May 2013.

New Developments in Distal Radius and New Concepts in Radial Head Replacement.” Presented at, Cleveland Clinic Cutting Edge Upper Extremity, Cleveland, OH, May 2013.

Update of Distal Radius Fractures-Dealing with Changing Landscapes.” Presented at, The 2nd Annual Hand and Upper Extremity Summit, White Sulpher, WV, May 2013.

Distal Radius Fractures: Volar Plating” and “Internal Joint Stabilizer for the Elbow.” Presented at, Florida Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, Key Largo, FL, May 2013.

Locked Intramedullary Total Wrist Arthrodesis.” Presented at, The 30th Annual Southern Orthopaedic Association Meeting, Palm Beach, FL, July 2013.

Distal Radius Fractures: Newer Plating Concept.” Presented at, FORE: The 11th Annual Current Solutions in Orthopaedic Trauma, Miami Beach, FL, September 2013.

The Biomechanics of Articular Fracture Fixation in Distal Radius Fracture” and “Salvaging the Collapsed Wrist after a Failed Volar Marginal Fracture.” Presented at, International Wrist Investigator’s Workshop (IWIW), San Francisco, CA, October 2013.

The Stiff Unstable Elbow.” Presented at, ASSH 68th Annual Meeting Precourse: Elbow Trauma and Instability, San Francisco, CA, October 2013.

Save the trapezium in thumb CMC arthritis.” Presented at, The 1st International Thumb Osteoarthritis Worshop, Newport, RI, October 2013.

Tratamiento de las fracturas de radio distal mediante abordaje palmar” and “El manejo de la rizartrosis.” Presented at, Curso de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, November 2013.

Save the trapezium in thumb CMC Osteoarthritis” and The role of volar plate fixation in the management of distal radius fractures.” Presented at, The AAHS Annual Meeting, Kauai, Hawaii, January 2014.

Elbow instability and results with a simple dynamic fixator.” Presented at, FORE Current Solutions in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Tampa, FL, January 2014.

Avoiding the complications of volar plating.” Presented at, The 10th Annual Upper Extremity Tutorial: Placing the Hand in Space: Reconstructive Surgery of the Shoulder, Elbow, and Wrist, Snowmass, CO, February 2014.

History and the Extended FCR Approach: What I have Learned in 13 Years.” Instructional Course Lecture Presented at, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 2014.

Avoiding Tendon Complications in Distal Radius Plating.” A Cadaver Demonstration Presented at, The 16th Annual Philadelphia Hand Surgery Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, March 2014.

The Transverse force of the Human Forearm as it Relates to the Radial Head.” Orbay JL, Mijares MR. Poster Presentation at, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, March 2014.

Intramedullary Total Wrist Arthrodesis.” Orbay JL, Feliciano E, Orbay C, Mijares MR. Paper Presentation at, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, New Orleans, LA, March 2014.

Avoiding Tendon Complications in Distal Radius Plating” and Power Grip and the Biomechanics of CMC Arthritis.” Presented at, The 37th Annual Southeastern Hand Club Meeting, Greenbriar, WV, April 2014.

Intramedullary Wrist Fusion”, “Saving the Trapezium in Thumb CMC Arthritis”, and A New Look at the Proximal Forearm: Managing Elbow Instability with an Internal Fixator.” Presented at, The 43th AOAO Postgraduate Seminar, Dallas, TX, May 2014.

Save the Trapezium in Thumb CMC osteoarthritis” and “Distal Radius Fracture Management-Getting it Right: Pairing Best Technology with Anatomy, Physiology and Biomechanics.” Presented at, The 14th Annual New Tech in Upper Extremity Surgery: The Cutting Edge with Advancing Tranlsational Research, Cleveland, OH, May 2014.

Distal Radius Fracture Update.” Presented at, The 3rd Annual Greenbrier Medical Institute Hand Summit, Winston-Salem, NC, June 2014.

Power Grip and the Biomechanics of CMC Arthritis.” Presented at, The International Wrist Investigator’s Workshop (IWIW), Boston, MA, September 2014.

Pushing the Indications for Volar Plating. Presented at, ASSH 69th Annual Meeting Instructional Course Lecture, Boston, MA, September 2014.

Terrible Triad: What to do with the unstable elbow.” Presented at, The 2014 FORE: Current Solutions in Orthopaedic Trauma Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, September 2014.

Advancements in the Management of Distal Radius Fractures.” Grand Rounds at, The University of Illinois Chicago School of Medicine, Chicago, IL, October 2014.

Surgical exposures and techniques: Tricks and Tips”, “Panel: Distal Radius Fractures: When good plans go wrong”, and “Osteochondroses of the wrist. Presented at, The 8th Wrist Course, Maui, Hawaii, October 2014.

How you thought of the ideas for some of your inventions and companies.” Keynote Speaker at The 3rd Annual VuMedi-The Event, San Francisco, CA. November 2014.

Beyond the volar plate: Innovations and tricks for articular fragments.” Presented at, The AAHS Annual Meeting, Paradise Island, Bahamas, January 2015.

Fracturas de radio distal”, “Secuela de fracturas de radio distal”, and “El manejo de la rizartrosis preservando el trapezio.” Presented at, The 7th Curso Teórico-Práctico de Anatomía y Cirugía de la Mano, Murcia, Spain, January 2015.

Panel: Battle of the Titans”, “Low Profile Columnar Plate”, “Panel: Judgment Day for the Radius”, “The Unstable DRUJ Post Radial Fixation”, and “No More Thumb Girdlestones: Role of a Prosthesis.” Presented at, The 11th Annual Upper Extremity Tutorial, Snowmass, CO, February 2015.

The Unstable DRUJ Post Radial Fixation”, “Cadaver Demo: Align Radial Head Replacement”, and “Cadaver Demo: Stabilizing the Unstable Elbow”. Presented at, The 17th Annual Philadelphia Hand Surgery Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, March 2015.

Video Presentation: Thumb CMC Osteoarthritis.” Prented at, The Brazilian Society of Hand Surgery’s 2015 Annual Meeting, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, March 2015.

Internal fixator of the elbow-A new treatment option for instability.” Presented at, The AAHS 2015 Post-Course, Iguassu Falls, Brazil, March 2015.

Distal Radius Fractures: From Pediatrics to Geriatrics – Weekend Warriors.” Presented at, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, March 2015.

The Interosseous Ligament-How it all fits together” and “Reconstruction of Coronoid Deficiency with Fibular Autograft.” Presented at, The 38th Annual Southeastern Hand Club, Sea Island, GA, April 2015.

Stablyx and the Future of Skeletal Dynamics” Presented to, The Rocky Mountain Hand Society, Denver, CO, June 2015.

The Biomechanics of Articular Fracture Fixation in Distal Radius Fractures.” Presented at, The 9th Triennial Symposium of the Hand and Wrist Biomechanics International, Milan, Italy, June 2015.

Power Grip and the Biomechanics of CMC Osteoarthritis.” Presented at, The 2nd International Thumb Osteoarthritis Workshop, Milan, Italy, June 2015.

The inventive process that took us to the development of the volar place” and “Radial Head Talk.” Presented at, The Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand Congress, Milan, Italy, June 2015.

Wrist Biomechanics- Considerations for Designing a New Total Wrist Arthropasty.” Presented at, The International Wrist Investigator’s Workshop (IWIW), Seattle, WA, September 2015.

Opening Wedge Osteotomy in Distal Radius Fractures after a Failed Volar Marginal Fragment.” Presented at, The International Wrist Investigator’s Workshop (IWIW), Seattle, WA, September 2015.

Radial Head Fractures: Save or Replace.” Presented at, The 2015 FORE: Current Solutions in Orthopaedic Trauma Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, September 2015.

Distal Radius Fractures: State of the Art.” Presented at, The 2015 FORE: Current Solutions in Orthopaedic Trauma Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, FL, September 2015.

Abordaje palmar ampliado.” Presented at, Asociacion Argentina de Cirugia de la Mano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2015.

Arthrodesis escafolunar con placa mas injerto.” Presented at, Asociacion Argentina de Cirugia de la Mano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2015.

Biomecanica y manejo de la Rizartrosis preservando el trapecio.” Presented at, Asociacion Argentina de Cirugia de la Mano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2015.

Fractura de Muneca: Casos problema.” Presented at, Asociacion Argentina de Cirugia de la Mano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2015.

Inestabilidad lateral del codo.” Presented at, Asociacion Argentina de Cirugia de la Mano, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2015.

Advances in Thumb Arthritis: And Osteotomy & New Arthroplasties.” Presented at, VuMedi, San Francisco, CA, November 2015.

Nothing Left- Wrist Fusion.” Presented at, VuMedi, San Francisco, CA, November 2015.

Bailouts for Distal Radius Fractures: External Fixation and Frag Specific.” Presented at, VuMedi, San Francisco, CA, November 2015.

The Unstable Elbow: A New Implantable External Fixator.” Presented at, The Orthopaedic Summit, Las Vegas, NV, December 2015.

How to Avoid Complications in Distal Radius Fracture Surgery.” Presented at, The Orthopaedic Summit, Las Vegas, NV, December 2015.

Novel Sigmoid Notch Radiographic View: Evaluating the DRUJ Articular Surface and Preventing Intra-articular Screw Breach.” Klein JS, Chen D, Orbay JL, Landy DC, Mijares MR, Owens PW. Poster Presentation at, The American Association for Hand Surgery, Scottsdale, AZ, January 2016.

Opening Wedge Osteotomy to Salvage Distal Radius Fractures after a Failed Volar Marginal Fragment.” Orbay JL, Mijares MR, Berriz C, Vernon L. Poster Presentation at, The American Association for Hand Surgery, Scottsdale, AZ, January 2016.

“Severe Elbow Instability: The Need for Stability”, “Panel: Simple Elbow Fractures That Aren’t”, “Battle of the Titans”, “Ombudsman Panel: Distal Radius Fracutre: From Simple to Complex”, and “Malunions of the Distal Radius- My Approach.” Presented at, The 12th Annual Upper Extremity Tutorial, Snowmass, CO, February 2016.

Distal Radius Fractures: From Pediatrics to Geriatrics,” and “Upper Extremity Trauma: How to Define and Expand Your Comfort Zone.” Presented at, The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, March 2016.

Considerations for the design of a total wrist prosthesis” and “The results of the FDA sponsored Clinical trial on the internal elbow stabilizer.” Presented at, The 39th Annual Southeastern Hand Club, Washington D.C., April 2016.

Radial Head Fractures: ignore, repair, replace and pitfalls” and “CMC hemiarthroplasty.” Presented at, The Florida Orthopaedic Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2016.

“The Biomechanics and Art of Distal Radius Fracture Fixation” and “The Creative and Innovative Process of Orthopaedics.” Presented at, The Dirstine Lectureship. Seattle, WA, May 2016.

Volar Locking Plates, Why Its Best,” “New thoughts in CMC reconstruction,” and “The importance of plate design and surgical technique in avoiding complications.” Presented at, The Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand Congress, Santander, Spain, June 2016.

“Role of the Central Band of the IOM in Maintaining Ulnar Variance.” Presented by Dr Deana Mercer at, The International Wrist Investigators’ Workshop, Austin, TX, September 2016.

The concept of Volar plating for DRF (including the extended FCR approach),” “Distal Radius Fractures Debate,” “Biomechanics of the IO membrane,” “DRUJ Debate,” “Aetiology and treatment of basal thumb OA.” Presented at, the Lyon Wrist Symposium, Lyon, France, October 2016.

Symposium: Difficult Problems in Distal Radius Fractures.” Presented at the International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2016.

Complications of Wrist Surgery,” “The Role of the Central Band of the Interosseous Ligaments in Maintaining Ulnar Variance.” Presented at the American Association for Hand Surgery in Waikoloa, HA, January 2017.

Elbow trauma: A base-based discussion,” “Managing the unstable elbow utilizing the internal joint stabilizer,” “Ulnar nerve in trauma.” Presented at the Current Solutions in Shoulder & Elbow Surgery, Tampa, FL, February 2017.

Captain’s Choice Elbow Scramble,” “Distal Radius Fractures,” “Unresolved Wrist and Thumb Problems: Scapho-Lunate Fusion: Re-thinking Outside the Box,” “SOS: Carpal Injuries.” Presented at the 13th Annual Upper Extremity Tutorial, Snowmass, CO, February 2017.

Distal Radius Fractures: From Pediatrics to Geriatrics,” “Rescuing the Elbow.” Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting, San Diego, CA, March 2017.

Indicaciones y tratamiento de la fractura de cabeza radial en el codo inestable (RAFI Vs Protesis).” Presented at the XXIII Congreso de la Sociedad Espanola de Cirugia de Mano, Marbella, Spain, April 2017.

Hook-plate extensión to a volar locking plate to address volar marginal fragments of the distal radius,” “The multicenter trial of an internal joint stabilizer for the elbow.” Presented at the Japanese Society for Surgery of the Hand, Nagoya, Japan, April 2017.

Minimally invasive open dorsal approach,” “Open palmar approach,” “Hook plate osteosynthesis.” Presented at the Jahre Klinik fut Handchirurgie Bad Neustadt- Internationales Symposium, Bad Neustadt, Germany, May 2017.

Interosseous Ligament Injuries,” “Elbow Instability.” Presented at the 6th Annual Extremity Summit: The Greenbrier Medical Institute, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, June 2017.

The Role of the Central Band of the Interosseous Ligaments in Maintaining Ulnar Variance,” “Early Experience with a Stabilized Saddle Trapeziometacarpal Hemiarthroplasty,” “The management of difficult articular fractures including the volar-ulnar fragment,” “Reducing a Volar Marginal Fragment of the Distal Radius Using a Hook-Plate Extension to a Volar Locking Plate.” Presented at the Federation of European Societies for Surgery of the Hand, Budapest, Hungary, June 2017.

Distal Radius Fractures- Volar Approach, plating, lip fractures, preventing complications,” “Distal Radius- Volar Approach, Volar Plating, Volar Lip Fractures, Tips and Tricks,” “SL fusión,” “Distal radius fracutres; the challenges,” “Distal radius fractures cases,” “Distal oblique IOM ligament, and DRUJ instability,” “The parallelogram effect: how central band failure can cause ulnar impaction síndrome,” “Torque transmission across the wrist, implications on the design of TWA,” “The LAST Straight Arthroplasty: Case Discussions.” Presented at the Asia Pacific Wrist Association, Adelaide, Australia, October 2017.

Arthroplasty of the thumb CMC joint, and early experience with a stabilized saddle trapeziometacarpal hemiarthroplasty,” “The forearm: applied anatomy and injuries,” “A hook-plate extensión to a volar locking plate to address volar marginal fragments of the distal radius,” “The role of the dynamic internal fixateur,” “Biomechanics of complex elbow injuries, maintaining the unstable elbow utilizing the internal joint stabilizer.” Presented at the Australian Orthopaedic Association, Adelaide, Australia, October 2017.

Fractures About the Elbow,” “Terrible Triad- Thricks for Dealing with the Unstable Elbow,” “Distal Radius Fracutres- Role for Percutaneous Fixation and Pearls for Plating.” Presented at the Current Solutions in Orthopaedic Trauma Meeting, Tampa, FL November 2017.

Stablyx: Advances in Thumb Hemiarthroplasty.” Presented at the 6th Annual Overlake Upper Extremity Orthopaedic Symposium. Seattle, WA November 2017

Distal Radius Fractures- How to Improve Your Outcomes: Optimizing Surgical Technique to Improve Results,” “Management of Elbow Instability: Techniques for Maintaining Stability during ORIF of Elbow Fractures,” “Early Experience with a Stabilized Saddle TM Hemiarthroplasty.”Presented at the American Association for Hand Surgery/ American Society for Peripheral Nerve/ American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery meeting. Phoenix, AZ. January 2018.

“Rescuing the Elbow: ICL,” “Tips and Tricks in the Management of Distal Radius Fractures: Indications and technical tricks for volar plating and how to stay out of trouble.” Presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Meeting. New Orleans, LA March 2018.

“No More Girdlestones: Hemiarthroplasty Cadaver Demo,” “Internal Joint Stabilizer Cadaver Demo,” “Anatomy of Distal Oblique Ligament Cadaver Demo.” Presented at the 20th Annual Philadelphia Hand Surgery Meeting. Philadelphia, PA March 2018.

“Development of the Volar Locking Plate,” “Ulnar Approach, Olecranon Osteotomy and Locking Plate Fixation, Radial Head.” Presented at the SouthWest Orthopaedics Trauma Association Meeting, Albuquerque, NM April 2018.

“The Unstable Elbow,” “Treatment Options for the Unstable Elbow Cadaver Demo” Presented at the Chicago Trauma Symposium; Chicago, IL August 2018.

Current concepts in the management of traumatic elbow instability” Presented at the European Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting; Galway, Ireland. September 2018.

Wrist Fractures: Case Discussion,” “Elbow Instability: Case Discussion.” Presented at the Frontiers in Upper Extremity Surgery. November 2018.

Early Experience with CMC Hemiarthroplasty.” Presented at the International Thumb Osteoarthritis Workshop. Palo Alto, California. November 2018.

A Volar Plate is Needed Every Time- Restore Her Youth,” “Distal Radius Fractures- All Types: Case Presentation Panel,” “A Potpourri update in Wrist and Hand” Case Presentation Panel,” “Evolving Technique- The Unstable Elbow: My Way to Save the Joint,” “Unstable Elbow: Solving the Problem.” Presented at the OSET Orthopaedic Summit; December 2018.